2025 EBSCO User Group
EBSCO User Group 2025
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Ryan Bernier
VP, Database Partnerships
, April 29
7:30pm EDT
Pre-Conference Game Night- Sponsored by APA
Ballroom A | Boardwalk
, April 30
7:15am EDT
YOGA- Sponsored by APA
552 Selfcare
8:00am EDT
Breakfast- Sponsored by MLA
Ballroom A | Boardwalk
9:00am EDT
Welcome/Opening Session
Ballroom A | Boardwalk
10:15am EDT
Networking Break- Sponsored by MLA
East Prefunction
10:30am EDT
What is UX design and why is it important?
Ballroom D | Ocean
11:20am EDT
Networking Break- Sponsored by MLA
East Prefunction
11:30am EDT
Being the Designated Driver: Responsible AI in Psychology Research (APA Sponsor)
555 & 556 | Seahorse
12:20pm EDT
Lunch- Sponsored by APA
Ballroom A | Boardwalk
1:20pm EDT
Transforming Library Services: The New York Public Library EDS Implementation Adventure
Ballroom B | Coral
TBD - Placeholder for IET
554 | Achor
2:10pm EDT
Networking Break- Sponsored by MLA
East Prefunction
2:20pm EDT
Our Journey from the Pandemic to FOLIO
554 | Achor
3:10pm EDT
Networking Break- Sponsored by MLA
East Prefunction
3:20pm EDT
Unlocking Insights: OpenAthens UX review and future Innovations
555 & 556 | Seahorse
4:15pm EDT
Shape the Future of Your User Group: A Conversation with the Board
554 | Achor
6:00pm EDT
Evening Reception-Sponsored by IET
Providence G (Outside Venue)
, May 1
7:15am EDT
Meditation- Sponsored by APA
552 Selfcare
8:00am EDT
Breakfast- Sponsored by MLA
Ballroom A | Boardwalk
9:00am EDT
The E-Resources Lifecycle: The EBSCO Ecosystem
Ballroom D | Ocean
9:50am EDT
Networking Break- Sponsored by MLA
East Prefunction
10:00am EDT
Charting a Course with GOBI Library Technical Services
Ballroom B | Coral
11:00am EDT
Networking Break- Sponsored by MLA
East Prefunction
11:10am EDT
Enhancing Library Services at Andrews University with FOLIO, One Year On: Successes and Challenges Beyond the Honeymoon
Ballroom D | Ocean
12:00pm EDT
Lunch- Sponsored by APA
Ballroom A | Boardwalk
1:00pm EDT
Linked Data at EBSCO: Enhancing Discoverability, Engagement, and Interoperability
Ballroom D | Ocean
1:50pm EDT
Networking Break- Sponsored by MLA
East Prefunction
2:00pm EDT
EBSCO: History, context, and Innovation
Ballroom D | Ocean
2:50pm EDT
Networking Break- Sponsored by MLA
East Prefunction
3:10pm EDT
Research Databases as Community Practice: Three Perspectives on the MLA International Bibliography
Ballroom D | Ocean
4:05pm EDT
Getting familiar with the new EBSCO Discovery Service
Ballroom D | Ocean
, May 2
8:00am EDT
Breakfast- Sponsored by MLA
Ballroom A | Boardwalk
9:00am EDT
FOLIO Plenary Session
Ballroom A | Boardwalk
10:15am EDT
Networking Break- Sponsored by MLA
East Prefunction
11:20am EDT
Networking Break- Sponsored by MLA
East Prefunction
12:20pm EDT
Lunch- Sponsored by APA
Ballroom A | Boardwalk
2:10pm EDT
Networking Break- Sponsored by MLA
East Prefunction
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