EBSCO User Group 2025
Thursday May 1, 2025 9:00am - 9:50am EDT
Pam Childers, the System & Web Librarian at Jackson Library, Indiana Wesleyan University, chose to collaborate with EBSCO FOLIO to enhance their integrated library system (ILS). This decision was motivated by the need for a flexible, open-source platform that could adapt to the evolving needs of the academic community. FOLIO's modular architecture and robust infrastructure effectively managed collections, circulation, and user interactions. Additionally, the partnership with EBSCO facilitated seamless integration and support, improving the overall experience for staff and patrons. This presentation will discuss the factors that influenced the decision, the implementation process, and the benefits realized, offering valuable insights for other libraries considering a similar transition.
avatar for Pete Zeimet

Pete Zeimet

Director of SaaS Innovation, EBSCO
avatar for Pamela Childers

Pamela Childers

System & Web Librarian, Indiana Wesleyan University
Thursday May 1, 2025 9:00am - 9:50am EDT
Ballroom B | Coral 1 Sabin St, Providence, RI 02903, USA

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