EBSCO User Group 2025
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Thursday, May 1

9:00am EDT

The E-Resources Lifecycle: The EBSCO Ecosystem
Thursday May 1, 2025 9:00am - 9:50am EDT
The TERMS framework, developed by Jill Emery, Graham Stone, and Peter McCracken, postulates that e-resource resource management follows a recurring lifecycle, from evaluation to licensing to acquisitions to activation and access to discovery to management back to analysis and evaluation. This presentation intends to showcase how EBSCO's suite of products represents and enables the TERMS cycle for libraries. Attendees will leave with a better high level understanding of how EBSCO's products from GOBI to FOLIO integrate together and create a cohesive e-resource ecosystem.
Thursday May 1, 2025 9:00am - 9:50am EDT
Ballroom D | Ocean 1 Sabin St, Providence, RI 02903, USA

11:10am EDT

Increasing access to resources using free software tools from EBSCO
Thursday May 1, 2025 11:10am - 12:00pm EDT
Join two of our software team to learn about a variety of tools to help increase user engagement with content and drive usage of the library. This session will include a review of several free tools, as well as where to find instructions and help in implementing them. Upon completion the library should have a list of options to consider, at no charge, that will help increase access to content.
avatar for Amy Thurlow

Amy Thurlow

Director, SaaS Sales, EBSCO Industries Inc
Amy has been with EBSCO 19 years. During this time she primarily worked directly with academic libraries throughout New England. By talking with our clients and listening to their needs Amy has been able to identify how our software solutions can help. Amy currently handles several... Read More →
Thursday May 1, 2025 11:10am - 12:00pm EDT
Ballroom B | Coral 1 Sabin St, Providence, RI 02903, USA

1:00pm EDT

Linked Data at EBSCO: Enhancing Discoverability, Engagement, and Interoperability
Thursday May 1, 2025 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
Linked data is at the forefront of EBSCO’s efforts to enhance information discoverability and interoperability, benefiting libraries and their communities. Our research services employ linked data, with ongoing efforts to expand its use.

This session will cover linked data basics, EBSCO’s current applications, and future plans. Topics include improving discoverability, knowledge graph development, and the resulting benefits: increased user engagement, satisfaction, and industry recognition of EBSCO’s search capabilities.
avatar for Amy Thurlow

Amy Thurlow

Director, SaaS Sales, EBSCO Industries Inc
Amy has been with EBSCO 19 years. During this time she primarily worked directly with academic libraries throughout New England. By talking with our clients and listening to their needs Amy has been able to identify how our software solutions can help. Amy currently handles several... Read More →
Thursday May 1, 2025 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
Ballroom D | Ocean 1 Sabin St, Providence, RI 02903, USA

1:00pm EDT

Creating Short, Targeted, Effective EDS Tutorial Videos for Patrons
Thursday May 1, 2025 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
EDS is incredibly powerful, but can sometimes feel overwhelming to students and other patrons. In this presentation Simon Ringsmuth, a Digital Services Librarian at Oklahoma State University, will demonstrate the process he has used to create a series of short, targeted, effective, and engaging videos to help patrons learn various aspects of EDS including basics such as keyword searching to advanced features like custom folder sharing and boolean operators. This collaborative video-creation process utilizes free tools for ideation and scripting, as well as off-the-shelf software like Final Cut Pro and Camtasia to handle editing and screen-captures. This process is also not limited to EDS: Librarians can use this process to create tutorial videos about all manner of software tools to help patrons learn to use them more effectively. While some technical knowledge is useful, it is not required and anyone can learn to use this process to create engaging, effective tutorial videos. To see the videos that this presentation is based on, visit bit.ly/OSU-EDS-Search-Videos.
avatar for Simon Ringsmuth

Simon Ringsmuth

Digital Services Librarian, Oklahoma State University
Thursday May 1, 2025 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
555 & 556 | Seahorse 1 Sabin St, Providence, RI 02903, USA

1:00pm EDT

Enhancing the Discovery Experience: Customizations, Collaboration, and User-Centered Design
Thursday May 1, 2025 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
Join us for an in-depth presentation on the enhancements and customizations we've implemented in the new Discovery UI, developed in collaboration with the expert support of our EBSCO Library Services engineer. Highlights include features like a 24/7 chat image, streamlined catalog integration, and custom labels tailored to user needs. We'll also share insights into our decision-making process, incorporating user feedback forms, in-house support documentation, and collaborative discussion methods such as Librarian Q&A sessions and faculty training. This session is ideal for those seeking practical strategies for improving user engagement and streamlining library services.
avatar for Adrian Graham

Adrian Graham

e-Resources Librarian, Austin Community College Library Services
Thursday May 1, 2025 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
554 | Achor 1 Sabin St, Providence, RI 02903, USA

3:10pm EDT

Research Databases as Community Practice: Three Perspectives on the MLA International Bibliography
Thursday May 1, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm EDT
Research databases are both repositories of diverse forms of knowledge and instigators of knowledge production that require the community-driven, collaborative efforts of humans. Three panelists and a moderator will discuss how, with thoughtful cultivation and use, research databases can account for various practices of knowledge gathering, preservation, and creation. Case studies will include a classroom experiment in which students gather and then visualize metadata from the MLA International Bibliography (MLAIB) to identify patterns in and omissions from the scholarship, with an eye toward history and new directions for research. The goal is to develop critical literacies about power relations built into bibliographic classification and indexing, as well as generate ideas for restorative description. Drawing on experience developing databases of Indigenous texts and iconography, one panelist will consider Western versus Indigenous ways of knowing: What are some of the differences between Western and Indigenous ways of interrogating received knowledge, and how might a database serve and promote Indigenous ways of knowing? What community, cultural, linguistic sensitivities, and other factors and etiquette need to be considered when building a database that serves Indigenous ways of knowing? Throughout, panelists will reflect on how the MLAIB bolsters community in the work that they do.

Amy Barlow

Associate Professor and Reference Librarian, Rhode Island College

Jill Baron

Research Librarian, Dartmouth College
I'm a librarian and filmmaker, co-director & producer of Change the Subject (2019).
Thursday May 1, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm EDT
Ballroom D | Ocean 1 Sabin St, Providence, RI 02903, USA

4:05pm EDT

Getting familiar with the new EBSCO Discovery Service
Thursday May 1, 2025 4:05pm - 4:55pm EDT
Many libraries have just moved to the new EBSCO EDS interface, and some are still transitioning. This session will be a tour of the new EDS interface, including what's new, what has changed, and the reasons behind the update. This will also be a chance to ask questions.
avatar for Amy Thurlow

Amy Thurlow

Director, SaaS Sales, EBSCO Industries Inc
Amy has been with EBSCO 19 years. During this time she primarily worked directly with academic libraries throughout New England. By talking with our clients and listening to their needs Amy has been able to identify how our software solutions can help. Amy currently handles several... Read More →
avatar for Pete Zeimet

Pete Zeimet

Director of SaaS Innovation, EBSCO
Thursday May 1, 2025 4:05pm - 4:55pm EDT
Ballroom D | Ocean 1 Sabin St, Providence, RI 02903, USA

4:05pm EDT

Leveraging Your Linked Data
Thursday May 1, 2025 4:05pm - 4:55pm EDT
In this session, learn how linked data connects information across interrelated library resources so they can be easily discovered in your collection. Linked data uses ontologies, which are essentially the linked data schema for how information is related to each other, to create these networks. Attendees will understand how EBSCO applies knowledge graph analytics through use cases. They will also understand how to leverage their own linked data to identify duplicate resources, if an author’s affiliation 
Thursday May 1, 2025 4:05pm - 4:55pm EDT
555 & 556 | Seahorse 1 Sabin St, Providence, RI 02903, USA

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